You are here: Idealpos Online eCommerce > Configure Tyro Connect in Idealpos Online

Configure Tyro Connect in Idealpos Online


Tyro Connect is a service provided by Tyro which acts as integration hub by connecting to apps and services of third-party companies such as me&u.

The advantage to utilising this integration is that once you've configured your Idealpos Online eCommerce solution to communicate with Tyro Connect, you will be able to access and utilise the many eCommerce apps or solutions that are offered by Tyro Connect.

In the initial Idealpos Online eCommerce integration with Tyro Connect, we are supporting me&u.


Pre-requisites for using Tyro Connect

Before continuing, you will require the below details and steps will need to completed:


Pre-requisites for using me&u with Tyro Connect




Once the above pre-requisites have been met, complete the below steps to configure Tyro Connect with Idealpos Online eCommerce:


Idealpos Online Configuration

The below steps are to be completed in order to configure the Idealpos Online component of the process.




Idealpos Configuration

In addition to the above Idealpos Online configuration, there is also some configuration to be done in Idealpos, all of which is done via Global Options.



Using me&u with Tyro Connect

The process for using me&u is summarised as follows:



The process is outlined below from the perspective of the Customer and the Venue: